Category Archives: Blacks

The Seventh-Day Adventist Ray & Janay

So these two brothers are talking after church. They spot a hot black slut walking by in a little outfit. One punches the other and rushes over to her but realizing that sluts don’t make good wives, the brothers knock … Continue reading

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Blacks & Muslims In El Salvador

I was talking to a bloke from El Salvador who just visited home. “If you’re black and you visit El Salvador,” he says, “you’ve got ten days [to visit] and you’re out. If you’re Muslim, you’ve got a ten days … Continue reading

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Who Says Blacks Don’t Tip Big? “McCoy, who makes millions, was hammered by critics, including celebrities, for the tiny tip [20c] on a tab of more than 60 bucks, when the receipt was shared by the restaurant on Facebook.” You can’t generalize from these isolated … Continue reading

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Is There A Superior Race?

Philosopher Michael Levin says in 1998 to the question of racial pathology, i.e. that black behavior in the ghetto is pathological: “Very often people will wish to make a negative value judgment about a certain behavior but they think it … Continue reading

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Adrian Peterson and his bastards

Lex blogs: …Adrian Peterson isn’t really a dad. He’s a football player who likes to stroke his ego by impregnating women so the world may know the power of his seed. He’s doing this shit intentionally. He didn’t even know … Continue reading

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