Category Archives: Blacks

How Can We Stop Sexual Violence?

ESPN reports: “At minimum, college grantees must create a coordinated community response to sexual violence, a mandatory sexual violence prevention education program for all incoming students, and a training program for all campus law enforcement and disciplinary board members on … Continue reading

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We Live In The Age Of Identity

Steve Sailer writes: “The last century was one of ideology, while this one is driven by identity. In the relatively homogeneous America of the 20th Century, it was not uncommon for large numbers of voters to change their minds, as … Continue reading

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Man Smacks The Soul Out Of Girl That Was Clowning Him On The NY Subway

If they try the guy, I don’t know where they are going to find a juror willing to convict him. He was just defending himself against an attack. There is so much video out there of black women doing this … Continue reading

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Why Non-Jews Get Tired Of Being Hit Over The Head By The Holocaust

The Lubavitcher Rebbe did not want the Holocaust emphasized. He preferred to promote a positive Jewish identity that did not diminish whites and other groups. When the Holocaust is invoked in the West, it is usually to promote anti-white interests … Continue reading

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I Hope I’m Wrong About This Hateful Stereotype

A few years ago, I watched Philadelphia Eagle receiver DeSean Jackson catch a long pass against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football and run to the end zone unmolested but short of the goal line, he tossed the ball … Continue reading

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