Category Archives: Blacks

What Do You Call White Traitors?

From the blog Just Not Said: Black people who do not show racial solidarity are sometimes called Uncle Toms. Black people deemed to be overly immersed in white culture are occasionally referred to as “Oreos.” (Just ask any college-educated black … Continue reading

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Eric Holder Calls “For a Lower Standard of Proof for Civil Rights Crimes”

Steve Sailer comments: Holder could look outside the mainstream of Anglo-Saxon formal jurisprudence to more informal community-based systems of legal reasoning, such as lynch law. Trial by Twitter would be one reform that deserves serious consideration. Another reform would be … Continue reading

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How Come There Were No Black Spies Against America?

Most American Jews like America. They are probably the most pro-American of all the ethnic groups in America, they have published more books in praise of America, but all tribes have a different type of relationship to the nation state … Continue reading

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Acting White

Will book clubs keep black felons from repeating their crimes? Count me as skeptical. The Washington Post reports: They were all teenagers then, charged as adults for their violent crimes. At the D.C. jail, they found solace in a book … Continue reading

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Liberation Rape

Steve Sailer writes: According to federal statistics for 2001-2003, there were 15,400 cases of black-on-white single perpetrator rape versus 900 cases of white-on-black rape: a 17 to 1 ratio… Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver summed up his racial motivations in the … Continue reading

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