Category Archives: Blacks

All People Deserve A Safe Space To Be With Their Own Kind

Whites deserve safe spaces where they don’t have to fear being robbed and raped by non-whites. Aeman Ansari writes for the Huffington Post: Last week The Ryersonian reported on an incident that involved two first-year journalism students who were turned … Continue reading

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Why Is There No Starbucks In Ferguson?

Jen Kuznicki writes: If Starbucks wants us to talk about race, let’s start with why they don’t have Starbucks Coffee Houses in some of America’s cities that are mostly black, or have had a racially charged history? My friend looked … Continue reading

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Healthy Muslims Hate Jews?

A healthy Muslim, Arab, Palestinian is going to dislike, perhaps even hate, Jews because there is a Jewish state in a land he believes belongs to his people, and because this tiny Jewish state so vastly outperforms his own countries. … Continue reading

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My Favorite Bar Mitzvah

Hollywood Jew Writes: My favorite Bar Mitzvah was held at a racetrack. It was conservative/reform, of course. The father, a senior banker with Goldman Sacks, replicated the chariot scene of Ben Hur, with the following change. Instead of racing horses, … Continue reading

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Black Rapper Says She Hates White America

I don’t blame blacks for hating whites. I think it is normal, natural, and to some degree, healthy. All closely identifying in-groups, such as blacks, Jews, Muslims, tend to have some hostility to out-groups. I believe in Genetic Similarity Theory. … Continue reading

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