Category Archives: Blacks

Eat Pray Slut White Women

Comment: In Europe reasonably attractive women will occasionally date and marry African black men. So there is definitely some cultural element to these preferences. White women in America learn intuitively at a very young age that a relationship with a … Continue reading

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The Accidental Gawker

Gavin McInnes writes: Whenever I see liberals salivating over some black guy I’ve never heard of, my first instinct is always suspicion. Call it “Obama Trauma.” When they described Neil deGrasse Tyson like he was the second coming of Christ, … Continue reading

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Russians & Blacks

Chicago Tribune Baltic correspondent Donald Day writing in 1942: In my earlier contacts with the Russians I was impressed with the great similarity existing between them and the American Negro. Both races are artistic. They have natural gifts for music … Continue reading

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Why No Riots for Ricky Shawatza Hall?

American Thinker: What demands explanation is why the media and the Department of Justice have applied such disparate standards in the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown on one hand and Miriam Carey and Ricky Shawatza Hall on the … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk About Race

Robert Weissberg writes: Good news: Starbucks customers need not worry that some barista will try to engage you in an honest discussion about American race relations. The whole idea was laughed off the stage and rightly so. One comic suggested … Continue reading

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