Category Archives: Blacks

How Come The Jewish Community Doesn’t Issue Proclamations About Mass Killings By Blacks?

On the front page of the today the main focus is the killing of nine blacks by a white man in South Carolina: “Jewish community reacts to the Charleston shooting” Yet when I search for “Jewish community reacts to” … Continue reading

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White Man Kills 9 At Black Church

I wonder how many white folks will be attacked in revenge for what this maniac did. And for decades this will be used as a “rebuttal” of any argument that Blacks disproportionately attack whites. I also note the near glee … Continue reading

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Conservatives & Perversity

Ron Guhname writes: The General Social Survey asks two questions (that I know of) about behavior that at least some people would call perverted–consumption of online pornography and homosexual sex. Percent using pornographic site in last month–males Extremely liberal 31.2 … Continue reading

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Black Women Worth Watching

Email to Steve Sailer: The attorney is Keila Ravelo, who worked at the big white shoe law firm Wilkie Farr in New York. She represented MasterCard in the massive litigation over credit card interchange fees. Ravelo is friends with Gary … Continue reading

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LAT: San Bernardino: Broken City

I’ve seen this story promoted on the for a few days but until now I’ve avoided reading it because I’m assuming that the fall of San Bernadino is largely a matter of changed racial demographics. For instance, there’s nothing … Continue reading

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