Category Archives: Blacks

Former Daily Show writer Wyatt Cenac Represents His Black People

Black and Jewish writers are often not shy about representing their people’s interests in the media. I have an Orthodox Jewish friend who writes and produces TV and he says he gets asked to approve jokes about Jews on a … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Sportscaster Colin Cowherd Fired for Citing HateStats

Steve Sailer writes: Uh oh, he cited HateStats. Here’s what Cowherd said in his follow-up: “For the record, I used the Dominican Republic because they furnish baseball with so many great players. But they do rank 122nd out of 144 … Continue reading

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America’s Real Race War

From Chateau Heartiste: U.S. agencies still collect crime data by race. That will end soon, because the data is unfriendly to the Equalist Narrative and is falling into the hands of the Rebel Alliance. For now, a rich trove of … Continue reading

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Section 8 Housing Destroys Communities

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One of the drills is, Section 8 blacks move in, converge on neighborhood mom and pop stores, with this happening on a weekly basis: mom and pop can’t deal, so they close their business at … Continue reading

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Just How Smart Are Dominicans?

The average IQ of the Dominican Republic is 82, lower than the 85 average of American blacks, who are the smartest blacks in the world because on average they are one-quarter white. It should be a routine part of our … Continue reading

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