Section 8 Housing Destroys Communities

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* One of the drills is, Section 8 blacks move in, converge on neighborhood mom and pop stores, with this happening on a weekly basis:

mom and pop can’t deal, so they close their business at a loss, or sell it to a Korean family, and move away, their dreams of their business, their community they helped to build with hard work, and how they planned to retire are destroyed.

When a significant number of section 8 blacks are dropped into any small community, the same thing happens. The community is severely taxed, or destroyed.

The conventional liberal notion that blacks will “learn” from their successful white conterparts doesn’t really happen. What does happen is blacks with nothing to lose, confront those who do, that is, home and business owners, rapidly and repeatedly, until they leave.

So that’s one powerful way you get the population loss in specific areas, followed their replacements.

I’m not speaking theoretically. I’ve seen it occur first hand a number of times.

Black section 8 housing creation is like building a giant wrecking ball into previously low crime communities. It’s not the exception, it’s the general rule.

Section 8 housing destroys communities.

* Creative living also leads to tragedies. A year ago a blaze swept through row houses in Philadelphia, killing four very young children. The blaze was possibly started by children playing with fireworks. The houses (and neighborhood) were home to large “families” of West African immigrants. There were complaints that the firefighters did not do enough to save the buildings and the victims, but the official time line shows that the fire responders were on scene in one minute (first call at 241 am), as the fire house was basically around the corner. Within 6 minutes a second alarm was called in and three trucks were on site and working. The first firefighters actually went door to door to clear residents from adjacent row houses. The fire commissioner defended the response and said that the firefighters were “heroes”, not “superheroes.” The community said there were no fire fighters for 30 minutes. The immigrant community showed their love by protesting for days and actually blocking fire engines from leaving the neighborhood fire house. A another fire in the same area with deaths and massive property loss occurred, I think, in 2008, sparked by cooking in a bedroom. I have a daughter who lives outside of Philly, in Bucks County, so I read the Philadelphia Enquirer. Philly another diverse shithole.

* Come to Salt Lake City baby. Utah has AAA credit, Google is putting in whatever the most vast broadband standard is in both SLC and Provo, the radio news just announced Utah was top state for job creation for the fifth month in a row, the demographic is young, birthrate is high, attractive harmless sexually-available young white people are more numerous than fallen leaves and cigarette butts and feral cats COMBINED (and what a combination that would be, I’ma put that in my files) and finally Mormons are religiously instructed to stockpile food against future disaster, so by moving into such an area you increase your survival fitness BOOM just-like-that…

* New Mexico has stunning scenery and good weather. As you say, it should be a place that a lot of people want to move to. The big drawback? It’s full of Hispanics.

[Miriam: “First, Luke came for the Mexicans. Now, he comes for the New Mexicans. No one is safe. Colombians are next.”]

* Westhunter: …although second-generation Mexican-Americans averaged more education and higher SES than the first generation, presumably because they knew English, there was no further improvement in the third and fourth generations. The gap remained substantial: the fourth generation had a college completion rate of 6%, compared to a rate of 35% for whites of that same era.

Which is pretty much what you see in New Mexico too, except that here we’re often talking about the fifth, sixth, and seventh generation living in the US

I don’t see much sign that the story is greatly different in Central and South America. Mestizos – whose ancestry is part Amerindian and part European (usually Spanish), make up most of the population in those countries. Their PISA scores are low – lower than those of Hispanics in the US. Performance in science and technology is more important than test performance – but Latin America’s low performance is consistent with their low test scores. This showed up in my Zones of Thought map.

Isn’t there reason to believe that this is all going to change radically for the better in the near future, powered by the strongest force in the Universe, wishful thinking? Nope.

* “What does it mean to be white? To construct a civilization whose decline is marked by outgroup altruism and ingroup malice.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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