Category Archives: Blacks

Steve Sailer: The Rise and Rise of Ethnic Turf Marking

Los Angeles Times: “But few of them are aware that the fountain was the centerpiece to a housing development with an ugly side: Midwick View Estates was meant for whites only.” Do synagogues have an ugly side in that they … Continue reading

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Not Just Black and White: Peer Victimization and the Intersectionality of School Diversity and Race

Is it white kids doing most of the bullying? It seems not. Is it asian kids doing most of the bullying? It seems not. From the Journal of Youth and Adolescence: Although bullying is a prevalent issue in the United … Continue reading

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Asian Success

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It’s true Asians do better at math and science and drone-occupations. But blacks succeed a lot more in other areas, indeed those areas deemed cool. Sports, music, sex, booty-call, yapping, comedy, and etc. So, in … Continue reading

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The rapper and the rabbi: Ice Cube and Rabbi Abraham Cooper heal old wounds

Jewish Journal: Ice Cube, the well-known rapper and actor, was about the last person anyone might have expected to emcee the recent Simon Wiesenthal Center/Museum of Tolerance 2017 National Tribute Dinner. It wasn’t so long ago that Cube and the … Continue reading

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Seething Mob Shuts Down Speech by Pro-Cop Writer Heather Mac Donald as Event Turns Violent

Heat Street: An “angry mob” of protesters effective shut down a speech by a pro-law enforcement scholar at Claremont McKenna College on Friday, surrounding the building, screaming obscenities and banging on windows. Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald, who is … Continue reading

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