Category Archives: Blacks

Blacks more likely than whites to attribute black problems to genetics

From Audacious Epigone: In his April Diary, the Derb brought up posts from the Inductivist (still relatively active here) and the Occidentalist concerning changes over time in the self-reported perceptions of why “on the average blacks have worse jobs, income, and … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘The Culprits Behind White Flight’

I blame white racism. Comments at Steve Sailer: * Hillary Clinton flew like a bird to the mostly White town of Chappaqua, New York. Hillary Clinton supports White Flight for wealthy White people. Hillary Clinton thinks White people of modest … Continue reading

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Jews & The LA Riots

The 25th anniversary of the LA Riots was April 29. At the time of the riots, I had been bedridden for four years (about 20 hours a day on average) by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and rarely watched TV or listened … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Turning away from street protests, Black Lives Matter tries a new tactic in the age of Trump’

It turns out that BLM responds to incentives. Under Obama, they had an incentive to riot. Under Trump, they have an incentive to behave. Washington Post: In recent years, policing has been among the nation’s most visible issues as people … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Jewish UCLA Student Body President Apologizes for Using White Privilege to Culturally Appropriate Bloods Sign and Offend Gang Communities’

UCLA was the first place I lived where whites were a minority, and where I met people who openly and proudly identified as Jewish. The fall of 1988 was where my adult life began. I was 22. At Sierra Community … Continue reading

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