Category Archives: Blacks

Steve Sailer: Harvard Law Professor: Majority of Men Accused of Campus Rape Are Minority

Steve Sailer writes: But in passing in a New Yorker article, Harvard Law School criminal law professor Jeannie Suk drops a bombshell: on average, male students accused of sexual assault look less like Haven Monahan than like, say, Heisman Trophy-winner … Continue reading

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Time: Airbnb Hosts Are Racist, Study Finds

Steve Sailer: “A lot of the new Sharing Economy unicorns get an edge by ignoring anti-discrimination laws. They’re high tech! So they don’t have to obey the laws that weigh down old-fashioned businesses.” It is just common sense that a … Continue reading

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Judge Mugged By Reality

Colin Flaherty writes: Federal Judge Susan Dlott wrote the book on racial profiling in 2002. Last week, she ripped it into one million tiny pieces when three black people broke into her $8 million Cincinnati home and started beating her … Continue reading

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A night of violence that shattered a South African’s view of her white privilege

Pathological altruism. Sad. South African blacks have an average IQ of about 70 while South African whites have an average IQ of about 100. Descriptions of the I.Q. ranges Lower than 20 — Profound retardation Usually multi-handicapped with obvious physical … Continue reading

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Why “Mismatch” is Relevant in Fisher v. Texas

Richard Sander writes: Affirmative action is before the Supreme Court again this week, as it rehears arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas. (I’ve discussed the legal issues in Fisher here.) But perhaps the most important question about racial preferences … Continue reading

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