Category Archives: Judaism

Jews & Racism

An Orthodox Jewish friend says to me: “We’re not racists. We’re bigots. We prefer people who are part of Judaism to those outside of it.” Luke: “But if Jews are a race, which was how Jews were referred to a … Continue reading

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The State Of Exception

In Judaism, life is almost always the highest value, just as self-preservation is usually the highest value of any nation state. No legal system, no constitution, is able to maintain itself in all contingencies. Sometimes a nation to survive must … Continue reading

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The Trump Tallis and Outsider Journalism

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein writes: When a black pastor in Detroit draped a tallis around the shoulders of The Donald, Jewish tongues started clucking with disapproval. “Cultural appropriation!” “He’s an anti-Semite!” Notably, the vehemence, as best as I could tell, all … Continue reading

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Jews, Judaism & Polygamy

Comment: Polygamy was tolerated, but in general the Old Testament appears to show it in a negative light. I can’t think offhand of any examples where polygamy did not result in major dysfunction. (1) The first mention of polygamy is … Continue reading

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What’s It Like When A Family Member Converts To Judaism?

Is it any different for those left behind if the black sheep had become Catholic or Buddhist or Muslim? Does it feel like a diss of the family? I meet a lot of people who convert to Judaism, but I … Continue reading

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