Category Archives: Judaism

Modern Orthodoxy

Sitting in shul, I raced through Edward S. Shapiro’s (he is the father of Marc B. Shapiro) 2005 collection of essays — We Are Many: Reflections On American Jewish History And Identity. Here are excerpts of Shapiro’s essay in the … Continue reading

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Four Orthodox Rabbis Respond To Dennis Prager’s O.U. Speech

Here’s the audio file of a Tuesday night panel discussion at Beth Jacob between rabbis Asher Brander, Yitzchok Adlerstein, and Shalom Tendler. It was moderated by Rabbi Daniel Korobkin. The discussion was standing room only (with about 150 people in … Continue reading

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Interview With ‘The Jewish Century’ Author Yuri Slezkine

Here’s the audio (part two). Luke: “Are there are any ways you would refine your book [today]?” Yuri: “I would explain in greater detail Mercurianism and Apollonianism…where human beings end and metaphors begin.” “I would say more about Judaism the … Continue reading

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Daily Bruin Columnist: Give Kicking Rabbi The Boot

David Lazar writes: …But Hillel has allowed Seidler-Feller to serve as director of UCLA‚Äôs branch, which is an embarrassment to the campus community. If not for the shocking and inexcusable nature of the attack itself, Seidler-Feller should be let go … Continue reading

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L.A. Rabbi Accused Of Stealing Torah Scroll From Widow

The Los Angeles Daily News reports.

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