Category Archives: Judaism

Don’t Insult Anyone

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: The Mishnah (Avos 4:3) quotes Ben Azzai as saying: Do not insult any man and do not dismiss anything, for there is no man who does not have his day and there is no thing that … Continue reading

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Judaism’s Universalist Side

Chaim Amalek writes: "In my many years of orthodox cheder (Noah, Amalek feels for you), I don’t recall even once being instructed on what it meant to be a "light unto the nations of the world".  And I asked, too:  "We are … Continue reading

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A Judaism That Isn’t Fear-Based Isn’t Judaism

Jennifer Bleyer writes in the Forward: “I’ve tried Buddhism, which I like very much,” said Gorn, a 35-year-old photographer, after the service. “But I wanted something that feels more like home. And I feel Jewish, but reading from the Torah … Continue reading

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Ten Reasons I Am A Jew

Dennis Prager writes in Moment (link from Rabbi Gil Student): The Jews are the Chosen People. Just as people need an instruction manual for a camera, they need an instruction manual on how to lead a good, holy and meaningful … Continue reading

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Cardinal Lustiger Would Say Kaddish For His Mother

From One day Rabbi Rene-Samuel Sirat was invited to attend a lecture on the Holocaust, held in the amphitheater of the Sorbonne University in Paris. The speaker, a member of the Academie Francaise, moved the audience when he spoke … Continue reading

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