Category Archives: Judaism

Film shows Down syndrome no obstacle to prayer – it’s the non-retarded who have the problems

The JTA’s Rebecca Wolfson is all giddy that retarded kids can pray. Yeah, well, it’s those with their rational faculties most intact who have the biggest problem with prayer. What’s the point? To change G-d’s mind? To change us? If … Continue reading

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The Jewish Bed

Rabbi Ari Enkin writes: According to halacha it is forbidden to position one’s bed in a way that it stretches from east to west but rather it must run north-south.[2] This halacha originates from the Gemara[3] which teaches that it … Continue reading

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Religious Search

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The question sometimes arises whether a Jew, in his honest search for truth, must examine every religion to see which one is true. Should a Jew simply pursue his own religion or must he also examine … Continue reading

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Closing Your Website For The Sabbath

Ilan emails: Dear Jewish website owner, Keeping the Shabbat on your website is now possible. By using the "Shomer Shabes" system you can block access to parts of your website on Shabbat and Haggim, for example pages including donation links, … Continue reading

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God, Man and Nietzsche: A Startling Dialogue between Judaism and Modern Philosophers by Zev Golan

Rabbi Gil Student writes: In a recent book, God, Man and Nietzsche, Zev Golan sets out to examine some of the specific approaches of Existentialists and both compare and contrast them with traditional Jewish texts. In chapters with titles such … Continue reading

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