Category Archives: Judaism

Judaism Views Never Married Jewish Women As Virgins

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Judaism’s Perspective On Treating The Dead

In the wake of American soldiers urinating on Taliban corpses, what does Judaism say about how we should treat the dead? Judaism commands that the dead be treated with great respect.

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The Jewish Annotated New Testament

The New York Times reports Nov. 25, 2011: SAN FRANCISCO — Growing up Jewish in North Dartmouth, Mass., Amy-Jill Levine loved Christianity. Her neighborhood “was almost entirely Portuguese and Roman Catholic,” Dr. Levine said last Sunday at her book party … Continue reading

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Torah, The God of Israel, Truth and Conversion

I got this from a young man: My research on the two major Abrahamic faiths (Christianity and Islam). I looked into it Philosophically, Scientifically, Historically, Theologically. And this, these are my results. 1. Jesus of Nazareth Existed. 2. Jesus of … Continue reading

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Was Jesus The Savior?

On his radio show Sep. 23, 2011, Dennis Prager was asked if he had ever considered converting to Christianity. He replied: “From when I was in my early twenties and really began thinking about these issues, I did flirt with … Continue reading

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