Category Archives: Adventist

I Grew Up Seventh-Day Adventist In Australia At Avondale College

With a young Russell Crowe:

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The Puritans Were Forerunners Of The Seventh-Day Adventists

When I read up on the Puritans, it reminds me of how I was raised as a Seventh-Day Adventist in Australia and California. I think I have a fair idea of the strengths and weaknesses of Anglos vs Jews. Both … Continue reading

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The SDA VS Jewish Worldviews

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. My memories may not be clear or accurate, but as an SDA, I never had the sense that my group was particularly powerful (though we were God’s chosen people). We seemed to me small … Continue reading

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A Pragmatic vs an Absolute Commitment to Truth

In this lecture, Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says: “My wife was on a bus in Jerusalem and struck up a conversation with a woman writing in Arabic, who says, I owe my life to the Jewish Agency. The Mossad set up … Continue reading

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Blasting The Car Horn

So when a car pulls up next door in 90035 and starts blaring the horn, is this person disrupting the peace of the community most likely: * Seventh-Day Adventist * WASP * Mormon * Buddhist * Middle-Eastern In my experience, … Continue reading

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