Category Archives: Adventist

One man’s vegetarian journey from Seventh-Day Adventism to Orthodox Judaism

I am going to speak to a group of Jewish vegetarians in October. Vegetarianism is the last topic I thought I’d ever speak on. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life but never thought about it much. Here are the … Continue reading

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Loma Linda Is The Loneliest Adventist Community In The World II

I wrote a blog post on this theme a couple of months ago. I figured I’d ape my posts about the most prestigious Sabbath invites in Orthodox Judaism in Los Angeles with one about Loma Linda University. One problem — … Continue reading

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The New Testament Is Feelings Oriented While The Hebrew Bible Is Action Oriented

There’s plenty about action in the New Testament and plenty about feeling in the Hebrew Bible but the stereotype in my headline is generally true. When the Hebrew Bible talks about loving God, it refers primarily to action, not feelings … Continue reading

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Righteousness By Faith – A Road To Nowhere

I remember growing up that Seventh-Day Adventism was regarded as a demanding religion. It wanted one-tenth of your money (tithe) and one-seventh of your time (the Sabbath). Then this righteousness by faith movement swept through Adventism in the 1970s and … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

I grew up in a world immersed in conspiracy theories. I grew up in Seventh-Day Adventism, one giant conspiracy theory (lifestyle SDAs are the least likely to believe in such theories and the most likely to achieve in the world … Continue reading

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