Category Archives: Adventist

Eating Between Meals

When it comes to looking at religions different from your own, remember that what matters to you is usually peripheral to others. For Christians, Jesus Christ is central but nobody else cares who he was. For Jews, Torah is central, … Continue reading

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Religion Vs Sports

In his speech last night to the RNC, Mitt Romney said: “We were Mormons and growing up in Michigan; that might have seemed unusual or out of place but I really don’t remember it that way. My friends cared more … Continue reading

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Mormons vs Seventh-Day Adventists

Yesterday, I wrote about the great joy I felt hearing for the first time at age 12 the forbidden pop melody “Sing a Song” by the Carpenters. Pop music was a sin in my Adventist upbringing, in my home anyway. … Continue reading

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What Do I Want To Keep And Discard From My Childhood?

I was sitting in Starbucks today and made this list: What do I accept from my upbringing? The importance of God, ethics, religion, community, books, education, travel, friends, not swearing, color-blindness. I also continue to abstain by habit from meat, … Continue reading

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My First Love

Love first hit me in third grade. Debbie Hick was a girl in my class. She had red hair and freckles and was solidly built. She was smart and tough and funny. I loved her. I never told her that. … Continue reading

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