Category Archives: Diversity

Is It Wrong To Hate A Group?

I don’t believe in any such sin as prejudice, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, though frequently that hatred can be maladaptive because a more open attitude to out-groups is more in your best interest. In some circumstances, openness to strangers is to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Diversity, Nationalism, Race | Comments Off on Is It Wrong To Hate A Group?

Fleeing Diversity While Denouncing Racism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Those who flee the wonders of Diversity seem to overcompensate for their guilt by becoming shrill denouncers of racism. This is particularly true in Woodstock, NY, where I live. For decades, hipsters have fled to … Continue reading

Posted in Diversity, Race, Soccer | Comments Off on Fleeing Diversity While Denouncing Racism

Conservatives & Perversity

Ron Guhname writes: The General Social Survey asks two questions (that I know of) about behavior that at least some people would call perverted–consumption of online pornography and homosexual sex. Percent using pornographic site in last month–males Extremely liberal 31.2 … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Conservatives, Crime, Diversity, Liberal, Race, Sex | Comments Off on Conservatives & Perversity

‘Acceptance of diversity is in direct proportion to your distance from it.’

Chaim Amalek writes: “I saw this as a kid. The most liberal people were those who had little contact with diversity. Today they live in nearly all-white enclaves like the UWS of Manhattan.” Report: A new study from Linneuniversitet confirms … Continue reading

Posted in Diversity, Sweden, Whites | Comments Off on ‘Acceptance of diversity is in direct proportion to your distance from it.’

Jews For Consistency

Because the biggest Jewish organizations in America and elsewhere in the diaspora frequently push left-wing policies I find abhorrent, I yearn for the development of a “Jews for Consistency” coalition that critiques such activism. One basis for such a critique … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Diversity, Europe, Israel, Jews, Kevin MacDonald, Nationalism | Comments Off on Jews For Consistency