Category Archives: Diversity

Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs

It was a mess at Ralphs this afternoon. As I waited in line, I noticed patterns. WASPs are the best behaved group. They are the best at waiting in line and they are the best, in general, in acting like … Continue reading

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Jews & Women

For the past 2600 years (until recently), most Jews have lived as a minority in Gentiles countries. They’ve kept alive their tradition by constantly contrasting what is Jewish with what is goyish. When Jews say something is goyish, that’s never … Continue reading

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Diversity Harms Share Values

From Chateau Heartiste: Diversity lowers a firm’s market value. Most likely share values drop when a firm’s board adds more women because investors are discounting the future rate of return of the firm based on two unflattering facts about the … Continue reading

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The Dying Of The White Light

Comment to Chateau Heartiste: It’s simply impossible for whites to thrive when there are too many minorities around. If we want to reach the heights of civilization, to visit the moon again, to colonize mars, to automate cars and have … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Demographics of “MONEY’s Best Places to Live 2015”

Steve Sailer writes: Keep in mind the magazine gives bonus points for diversity, eliminates any place at least 95% white, and excludes very wealthy towns. And it’s all pretty subjective to allow for novelty needed to sell magazines. But, still, … Continue reading

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