Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

Choose Trump, Choose Life

Some of my Jewish friends tell me that most of the Jewish elites in the media, Wall Street, academia, politics, and law are strongly opposed to Trump. So how has he defeated them? He’s done it by allowing them to … Continue reading

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WP: Mein Kampf Now A Bestseller In Germany

One useful perspective here is naturalism. What is natural? What happens in the state of nature? Often what is natural is for individuals and groups to pursue their interests at the cost of the well-being of other individuals and groups. … Continue reading

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What Drove Germany To Two World Wars?

There is nothing that is human that is foreign to me. There is nothing Hitler did that is not inside of everybody. For instance, most people wish that their enemies would simply disappear. Israelis wish that Palestinians would simply disappear, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Oscar Whiteness Crisis: Charlotte Rampling Says Oscars ‘Boycott’ Is ‘Racist Against Whites’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Americans have a glimpse of the non-White majority American future that the elites wished. Endless squabbles between races about fairness, representation etc. It is exhausting to keep up with the endless complaints and grievances of … Continue reading

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No WWII, No Holocaust

No Hitler, no Holocaust. If Britain and France had not declared war on Germany in September of 1939, there likely would not have been a world war and therefore no Holocaust. Chaim Amalek writes: “Never been a holocaust?” OK. It … Continue reading

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