Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

Hitler Vs Churchill

James Thompson writes: Rarely have two men been so savagely opposed, and so different in their formative experiences, though each had war experiences . Hitler (1889-1945) rose from nothing to absolute dominion over Europe, and fell like a stick; Churchill … Continue reading

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Torah vs Mein Kampf III

Listen here. More. More. My notes upon rereading Mein Kampf: * Torah vs Mein Kampf means a clash between the Bio-centric and the theo-centric. Torah is God-centered. Judaism is God-centered. * Hitler argued himself hoarse with jews. Torah does not … Continue reading

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Why Did Adolf Hitler Hate the Jews?

From Haaretz: In Mein Kampf, published in two volumes, in 1925 and 1926, Hitler himself explains that he had no special feelings about Jews before he moved to Vienna, in 1908, and that even then, initially, he thought favorably of … Continue reading

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Vox Day vs Greg Johnson LIVE DEBATE: Are Nazis Alt Right?

Vox: “Anyone who is more concerned with their symbols and ideology rather than the survival of the white race, the European nations and Western Civilization, is not an asset.” “National Socialism is a horrifically rhetorical weak point who can be … Continue reading

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When Eichmann Met The Haganah

From episode five of the TV series Hitler’s Bodyguards: TV: “The Haganah made contact with Himmler’s SS to facilitate further Jewish immigration to Palestine… They eventually met in Cairo on November 10, 1937. The Haganah agent attempted to enlist Adolf … Continue reading

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