Category Archives: Richard Spencer

Now That I Have Your Attention

Now that I have your attention—what's up with "Luke Ford: former porn blogger" thing? I take people as they are. If they are respectful and productive, I'll talk with them. We each have our own journeys. But I would like … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer Interview

* What is the current direction of the alt right? * You mentioned the alt right is at each other’s throats. What’s going on? W Identity Europa? TRS? * In your interview with Israeli TV, you mentioned, “I made mistakes … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer Has Children

In an AltRight Plus AMA Dec. 16, Richard Spencer get this question: “Why you no make white babies with your hot Russian wife?” Richard: “I have children. I don’t talk about my family because I like to keep my family … Continue reading

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‘The French Origins of “You Will Not Replace Us” – The European thinkers behind the white-nationalist rallying cry’

From The New Yorker: Although Camus presents his definition of “Frenchness” as reasonable and urbane, it is of a piece with a less benign perspective on ethnicity, Islam, and territory which has circulated in his country for decades. Never the … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer & Vayishlach

Listen here and here. This week’s Torah portion is Vayishlach (Gen. 32:4 – 36:43). “In the parashah, Jacob reconciles with Esau after wrestling with a “man,” the prince Shechem rapes Dinah and her brothers sack the city of Shechem in … Continue reading

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