Category Archives: Nationalism

Tom Sunic On Free Speech And The Future Of Western Civilization

In a video discussion above, Andrew Fraser tells Tom Sunic: “A hundred years ago, my people [WASPs] were standing astride the world like a colossus. Today Anglo-Saxons have degenerated into an invisible race of wimpy WASPs who have degenerated into … Continue reading

Posted in Andrew Fraser, Australia, Christianity, England, English, Nationalism, WASPs, Whites | Comments Off on Tom Sunic On Free Speech And The Future Of Western Civilization

Is White Nationalism Kosher?

I asked a Jewish friend for his views and he replied: The term “nationalism” doesn’t ring right for me. I don’t know what term would work better for me. John Derbyshire’s disposition is in the ballpark of my own, and … Continue reading

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Tribes and the Nation State

I’m listening to the Tom Clancy thriller “Locked On.” There’s a character in it who seems Jewish to me but is never identified as such: “high-profile Czech billionaire Paul Laska (formerly Pavel Laska), having watched the debate on television, has … Continue reading

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