Category Archives: Nationalism

I Don’t Expect Muslims To Care About Non-Muslims

I don’t spend much time thinking about Muslim suffering so I don’t expect Muslims to spend much time thinking about non-Muslim suffering. The Los Angeles Times reports today: French Muslims resent scrutiny after Charlie Hebdo attack “To be honest, most … Continue reading

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Why Don’t I Care More About Muslim Suffering?

I read in the news that Muslims are suffering a backlash in France after the murder of 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine. I don’t know if I have a particularly cold heart, but when I look … Continue reading

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The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl

This is a great documentary on the greatest movie director of the Third Reich. I’ve been binge-watching documentaries about the Nazis. I don’t know much, but it seems like Nazism was a variant of nationalism and all nationalisms require the … Continue reading

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JJ: Why Scottish Jews are nervous about independence referendum

Jews are often nervous when the goyim develop strong racial, national and religious identities. Jewish Journal: “Scottish Jews are as proud of their dual heritage as any other minority in the country. But if Scotland leaves the United Kingdom, it’s … Continue reading

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Islam Vs The West

I’m speaking on this topic (along with Tom Sunic) at the JEM Cultural Center (9930 Santa Monica Blvd in 90212) in Beverly Hills September 21, 2014 at 3 pm. Charles Edward Lincoln writes: “On Sunday, 21 September, in Beverly Hills … Continue reading

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