Category Archives: Nationalism

Social Nationalism

I’ve always thought national socialism was the most evil thing around. I ask Chaim Amalek, “Was Ataturk a national socialist? Amalek says: Was Teddy Roosevelt? Milton Friedman/Ayn Rand style free markets are terrible for white people. We need controlled borders, … Continue reading

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Whose Side Am I On?

Pro Goyim posts: Being that all Jews are the enemy and that Luke converted to Judaism, I would have asked Luke: “What side are you on?” “How can we trust you?” When it comes to loyalty, there are no gray … Continue reading

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How Many People Would You Be Willing To Kill For The Safety Of Your Own People?

Every group nurses resentments. For instance, Jews hate Nazis because of the Holocaust (the murder of six million European Jews during WWII). On the other hand, many Ukrainians and other Europeans hate Jews because of the Jewish role in carrying … Continue reading

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Fascism Was A Reaction To Liberalism

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: Conservatives, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church, were pointing out that liberalism would eventually destroy all traditional identities—the family, gender, kinship, ethnicity. Since these identities are nonconsensual, they violate liberal principles of personal freedom and individual … Continue reading

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Jewish Supremacy

I’m tired of Jews kvetching about the evils of white supremacy. Every self-respecting Jew believes that Jews are God’s Chosen People, and yeah, we’re superior at some things. Every group has unique gifts. Every group believes that overall it is … Continue reading

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