Category Archives: Nationalism

White Nationalist Environmentalist Garrett Hardin

The SPLC calls Garrett Hardin a white nationalist. Most of the SPLC’s complaints against him are “hate facts,” unpleasant truths the SPLC can’t refute. Jeff* emails: Dear Luke, It was great to see you mention Garrett Hardin in your blog. … Continue reading

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If I Were A White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews?

I am a convert to Orthodox Judaism and I oscillate between having a God-centered universalist Torah worldview (aka ethical-monotheism) and a naturalistic tribal worldview. Because I know what it is like to belong to a tribe, I expect all groups … Continue reading

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Nazis, Jews & Group Conflict

The point of view underlying many of my blog posts is that different groups have different interests. These interests frequently clash, resulting in conflict and killing. For instance, Nazis wanted one type of Germany and this conflicted with what Jews … Continue reading

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the Germanwings Pilot, Despair & Eroticized Rage

Topics include: Luke’s new Torah Talk show which relates the Torah’s text to modern day issues of Race, Nationalism, and Jewish Gentile relations Luke’s New Co-Host who is a beautiful young blonde Jewish girl who shares Luke’s passion for the … Continue reading

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Mao’s Ethics Teacher

* ‘Each country has its own national spirit just as each person has its own personality …. A country is an organic whole, just as the human body is an organic whole. It is not like a machine which can … Continue reading

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