Category Archives: Nationalism

Is It Wrong To Hate A Group?

I don’t believe in any such sin as prejudice, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, though frequently that hatred can be maladaptive because a more open attitude to out-groups is more in your best interest. In some circumstances, openness to strangers is to … Continue reading

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Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Earl Holt started giving money to GOP pols after marrying the widow of a Jewish businessman

Yahoo: “As president of a white nationalist group linked with the murders of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, Earl P. Holt III is straddling the uneasy boundary between free speech and racial hatred.” How can there be … Continue reading

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Jews, Whites & Women

I had a chat this week with two Jewesses and a goy. It went something like this: One Jew got an email from a goy about Jews that read in part: “That they deliberately bred Talmudic scholars may have selected … Continue reading

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Rabbis: An Anti-Semitic Incident Adds to Austria’s Shame

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzchok Adlerstein of the Simon Wiesenthal Center write for Newsweek: Now comes word that a landlord in Vienna is “offended” by the display of an Israeli flag inside a window of an apartment first placed there … Continue reading

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When Jews Were Of One Heart

On the first day of Shuvuot, the Torah reading was Exodus 19-20 about the divine revelation at Mount Sinai. Rashi comments on Exodus 19:2 that the Israelites were of one heart before the revelation. Throughout Judaism, Jewish unity is praised. … Continue reading

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