Category Archives: Nationalism

What Does Anti-Semitism Achieve?

Anti-Semitism and anti-Gentilism and anti-Muslim and anti-black and anti-any group are all the outgrowth of conflicting interests. If you love your people, you will react negatively to those who hurt your people. A normal person loves his own kind and … Continue reading

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Canada’s Trudeau makes formal apology for racist Komagata Maru incident

Why should Canadians apologize for wanting to keep Canada white? They are not responsible for taking in anyone who wants to move there. Are Tibetans evil for wanting to keep Tibet Tibetan? Are Japanese evil for wanting to stay Japanese? … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Interests

The more the goy (I’m talking the white of European origin because from the traditional Jewish perspective asians are not goyim, they are tribesmen worthy of respect, impossible to manipulate, while blacks are shvartzes, entertaining and dangerous and at times … Continue reading

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How Old Is Nationalism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I recall a lot of nationalism in a book called the Bible. * Nationalism/patriotism infatuated the Roman Republic. Citizens went to war for the greater nation. They revered “Rome” so much that military standards and … Continue reading

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Do You Want To Live In A World Without Borders?

Steve Sailer writes: The world today is organized around the principle of nationalism, with which Trump identifies. All land except the South Pole and (on paper) the West Bank and the Golan Heights is divided up under the dominion of … Continue reading

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