Category Archives: Nationalism

What’s The Argument Against Nationalism?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It’s really impressive how much out-of-control outrage the elite can get gin up over an argument that is so empty. What is actually wrong with nationalism? What is wrong with citizens of a country seeking … Continue reading

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The Left Prefers Nations Of Ideas, The Right Prefers Nations Of Race & Religion & Tradition

Academic Laurent DuBois writes: When you cheer on the [Belgium] Red Devils, you can’t forget that you are cheering for an idea rather than a reality, and that in a way that idea only exists on the football pitch. The … Continue reading

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LAT: Flags are great for holiday celebration, but hyper-patriotism is un-American

As soon as I read that headline in the Los Angeles Times today, I prayed, “Let the author not be a Jew.” My prayer was not answered. Why do many Jews fear gentile patriotism? Because the stronger the goy gets … Continue reading

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The Reasons For Globalism

Comments at Steve Sailer: * First of all, globalisation is not a “scheme” for the rich to get richer. The economic advantages of the free exchange of goods, ideas and people are well understood going back to Adam Smith and … Continue reading

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Jews Rule The World

Little old Jewish lady sees her husband looking at his laptop, nodding and smiling. She looks over his shoulder and sees he’s on the Stormfront website. “Murray, why are you reading that Nazi trash?” “Because it’s full of wonderful news.” … Continue reading

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