Category Archives: Nationalism Joshua Seidel is a Trump supporter and a Jew on the alt right

Comments at directed at Joshua Seidel with his replies: * You are not part of the Alt-Right. You are not wanted. You are not welcome. If you’d like to help the Alt-Right, live out your days in Israel, convince … Continue reading

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Is Race A Valid Organizing Principle?

Chaim Amalek writes: “When a man attacks nationalism or race as an organizing concept among nations, I assume he hates the fact that Israel was founded as an ethnostate especially for Jews. In other words, I fear he may be … Continue reading

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Do We Fight For Values?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Edward Norman (then Dean of Peterhouse) had attempted to mount a Christian argument for nuclear weapons. The discussion moved on to ‘Western values’. Mrs Thatcher said (in effect) that Norman had shown that the Bomb … Continue reading

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Nationalism Is The Key To Olympic Appeal

Steve Sailer writes: So every couple of years when the Olympics roll around, there is much grumbling about how outmoded they are. Yet large numbers of people always seem to end up watching the Olympics anyway and having a good … Continue reading

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LAT: Why borders matter — and a borderless world is a fantasy

Victor Davis Hanson writes: Few escape petty hypocrisy when preaching the universal gospel of borderlessness. In 2011, open-borders advocate Antonio Villaraigosa became the first mayor in Los Angeles history to build a wall around the official mayoral residence. His un-walled … Continue reading

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