Jews, Nationalism and the Alt-Right

I’ve been writing on this subject since 1998 when Reggie White got in trouble for remarking on group differences. Around the same time, I read The Bell Curve which made it obvious what I had always suspected — different races have different gifts and diversity with proximity creates conflict and tragedy.

Just as Jews want to control their own destiny in their own state, so too many French and Germans want to control their own national destinies and they don’t always want alien groups running important things such as media and finance. The Jewish state would never permit its media and finance to be run by non-Jews so Jews can’t expect gentile states to be indifferent to the influence of Jews in their media and finance.





I think I understand white nationalists — they want the same kind of cohesion that the Torah seeks for Jews.

Torah makes no provision for non-Jewish citizenship in the Jewish state, just as Japan allows little power and influence for non-Japanese in Japan, so minority groups in the diaspora including Jews should be grateful and non-troublesome when the majority give them full citizenship.

Brett Stevens notes: “Minority groups (of any race) never vote for majority interests.”





People, be they Jews or non-Jews, rarely care about the motives of people who hurt them. They judge individuals and groups based on their actions. So white nationalists see the multiculti push by organized Jewry as malicious. Every major Jewish organization in America, for instance, supports immigration amnesty, which will hasten the time that whites become a minority in the country they developed.

In his essay on the Alt Right for the, Joshua Seidel describes the multi-culti push of organized Jewry as crazy and self-destructive.






As a result of historical trauma, organized Jewry has a reflexive fear of gentile nationalisms and thus promotes diversity, globalism and tikkun olam (social justice).




So when American Jews such as Stephen Steinlight point out to organized Jewry the great harm mass immigration will do to Jews, the organized Jewish community can’t see it because of the blinders imposed by their tribal addiction. They can’t see themselves as doing any harm to their host countries. They think they are only doing good by promoting multi-culturalism, immigration and ever-increasing minority rights.




I have never heard a Jew say that he wants to weaken gentile racial, religious and national identity so that gentiles are easier to manipulate (aka make America and other gentile countries more “user-friendly” for Jews). That sounds crazy.

The best way to see this tribal addiction, this reset addiction, is among those frumies (Orthodox) who have reflexively negative views of gentiles. Think about those Orthodox Jews always defending Sholom Rubashkin. No matter what you said, they had an answer. If they accepted he did some wrong things, they would then argue that everyone in the meatpacking industry does wrong things. The difference is that the average gentile meatpacker, when reprimanded by the feds, mends his way but Sholom Rubashkin and company just kept on brazenly breaking the law while retaining the complete support of their community.

Another example of this tribal reset against admitting fault is the Orthodox response to any negative reports about Orthodox-run nursing homes or denying any wrongdoing by Bikur Cholim.

This addiction to pushing reset in the face of any negative news about one’s own group is a normal part of group identity. It is not unique to Jews. The more you identify with your group, the less likely you will see its faults.

So now that organized Jewry in America is facing a rising tide of implicit white identity in the form of the Donald Trump campaign, how are they reacting? Are they having second thoughts about pushing multiculturalism and increased immigration? No way! Organized Jewry has an addiction to seeing gentile nationalism as dangerous while its mirror imagine in Jewish nationalism is great. They can’t see the harm they are doing in pushing for things such as immigration amnesty and taking in more Muslim refugees. They don’t see the danger they are facing. So they double down on the multi-culti agenda.

So why do my Jewish friends and I see things the way we do? Because we don’t assume that Jews as a group are always innocent. Instead, we see Jews as like other people in that they have gifts and flaws and that their actions always affect other people, everything we do affects other people, and not always for the good as no group always acts for the good of other groups.

Few people are willing to take stock of the harm they have done. Jews are no different from non-Jews in this regard.

Absent a religious faith, there are no good guys and no bad guys in the world. There are just different forms of life fighting to perpetuate their genes.

Every life form has a strong reaction against anything that threatens its survival. Groups normally need cohesion to survive. Threats to group cohesion, such as multiculturalism, should be expected to produce violent responses.

Shutter Island (2010) is Martin Scorsese’s film about Jewish tribal addiction, aka Jewish resetting to its default position that Jews are always right and gentiles wrong whenever there is a conflict of interest. Organized Jewry calls this conflict of interest anti-Semitism.

Scorsese has spent his career working in Hollywood and he knows Jewish blind spots. This movie is his perspective on the Jewish addiction to hitting reset whenever uncomfortable perspectives come up that show Jews are not innocent (no group is innocent, but because Jews are particularly smart, hard-working, organized and passionate, they are often more influential than most groups in things such as finance, politics, and media).

The movie is set in the 1950s and almost everyone is white. The clue that this movie is really about the Jews is the German doctor.

The protagonist played by Leonardo DiCaprio is a stand-in for Jews. The whites want him to accept responsibility for his actions and to act white. They don’t want to go nazi on him, but when he keeps misbehaving, they finally go nazi.

That’s like white nationalists such as Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Gregory Hood, etc. They don’t want to go nazi on the Jews, but if they have to to survive, to protect their people, they will, just as Jews will fight for the preservation of the Jewish state against all enemies.

A goy says: “Eyes Wide Shut is absolutely [Stanley] Kubrick’s knowledge of the cabal. Kubrick attended the Rothschilds ’70s party with bizarre masks.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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