Category Archives: Nationalism

Jews argue whether Zionism is racism — in the Forward!

Philip Weiss writes: Charlottesville has been a depth charge. The Israeli right was loath to condemn the white nationalists at the fringe of Trump’s base, and this has sent a shock through the American Jewish community. There is open argument … Continue reading

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Tolstoy on National Characteristics

From War and Peace (13) Volume III From this one brief encounter with Pfuel, Prince Andrei, owing to his memories of Austerlitz, formed a clear notion of the man’s character for himself. Pfuel was one of those hopelessly, permanently, painfully … Continue reading

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WP: ‘The road to hate: For six young men, Charlottesville is only the beginning’

Could you imagine a Washington Post article about six Jews developing their Jewish identity called “The road to hate”? Yet social identity theory applies equally to Jews as it does to other groups — the more you identify with your … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Richard Spencer Might Be The Worst Person In America. But He’s Right About Israel’

Naomi Dann (a media manager at Jews for Peace) writes: The images of Nazis and white supremacists marching in the streets of Charlottesville with torches chanting “blood and soil” shook me to my core. But so did something else that … Continue reading

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Would Americans Choose National Socialism If They Could?

National Socialism repels most Westerners today but the combination of nationalism and socialism is probably a winning electoral formula. I’m trying to figure out the hysteria about neo-nazis. Their numbers are few and their influence is tiny. Yet a Google … Continue reading

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