Category Archives: Whites

White girls sure are flammable these days

REPORT: Cops hope the final words of a Mississippi teen burned alive will lead authorities to her attacker, who poured lighter fluid down her throat before setting her aflame, police and family members said. A doomed Jessica Chambers, 19, was … Continue reading

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Jews & Australians

My Orthodox Jewish friends who lived in Australia report getting verbally abused by white Australians every time they walked to shul in their distinctive Jewish garb. They regularly received nasty insults, including invocations of Hitler and gas chambers, even when … Continue reading

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Jews & America

The United States is the most pro-Jewish country that has ever existed, but this will change as America’s demographics changes. Orthodox Jews are more likely than secular Jews to understand it is a problematic thing for Jews to get involved … Continue reading

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How Do You Preserve A People?

I am reading this interview with Greg Johnson, a right-winger who’s no friend of the Jews. He says: All the causes of species extinction in the natural world apply to whites today. We’re losing our habitats, we’re hybridizing with other … Continue reading

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White Guy Murdered In St Louis

Steve Sailer writes: “The 32-year-old victim of mob violence had lived in the United States for the majority of his life, but the important thing is he’s Bosnian, not white. Please, nobody mention the W-word.” Here are some choice comments … Continue reading

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