Category Archives: Whites

Nicholas Kristof: What If Whites Were In The Minority?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Remember when you were suspended in the fourth grade for being disruptive?” Yeah, it was in math class. I was was working on some multiplication when I should have been dancing and throwing things like … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek: White people could learn a thing or two from this image of diversity

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America’s Getting Less White, and That Will Save It by William H. Frey

I love the comments on this article: * I am of Jamaican and Cuban descent. Sorry but this so called diversity project has turned Miami from a beautiful southern town into a third world hell hole. African, Indians, Asians, Arabs … Continue reading

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The Power Of Face To Face Discussions About Difficult Issues

NYT: “Gay political canvassers can soften the opinions of voters opposed to same-sex marriage by having a brief, face-to-face discussion about the issue, researchers reported on Thursday. The findings could have implications for activists and issues across the political spectrum, … Continue reading

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Is Theater A Racial Thing?

REPORT: One of the UK’s most distinguished actors has been criticized for claiming theater is a “white invention” that is ingrained in the DNA of the Caucasian race. Dame Janet Suzman, known for her Shakespearean roles, was responding to the … Continue reading

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