Category Archives: Whites

Should The US Welcome European Jewish Immigrants?

I read the rabbi’s essay below and there’s not a sentence about the benefits to the goyim of admitting Jews to their country. What is good for America is not even a consideration. The rabbi could care less about non-Jewish … Continue reading

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Does France Have The Right To Stay French?

James Kirkpatrick writes: From the multicultural model of Scandinavia to the assimilationist policies of France (where even keeping statistics on race is banned), Third World immigration is failing all over Europe. France is an especially troubling test case because the … Continue reading

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RIP Jethro Pugh

I’ll always remember Dallas defensive lineman Jethro Pugh as the Cowboy who was too lazy to dig his cleats into the turf (unlike his teammate Bob Lilly), allowing himself to get shoved out of the way and costing the Dallas … Continue reading

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A Hostile Elite Push For More Third-World Immigration

Who opposes these healthy German marches against Islamization? The same folks who push for more third-world immigration to America: Earlier on Monday, business leaders joined the swelling chorus against Pegida from established political parties, the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, … Continue reading

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Six Black Teens Beat A White Man To Death

REPORT: We’ve learned recently how hate crimes only apply if you’re the right race. Unfortunately, Pat Mahaney wasn’t the that race. Mahaney, a 46-year-old man who was badly beaten by six teens, died at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, … Continue reading

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