Category Archives: Whites

WP: Indian Americans dominate the National Spelling Bee. Why should they take abuse on social media for it?

How exactly should white Americans react to being displaced? What are socially appropriate ways that they can express their disdain at being overwhelmed and replaced by brown people? I only want to see white Americans winning anything significant in America … Continue reading

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Plan For Jewish-Only Buses On West Bank Suspended

I wonder if more Americans would ride public transportation if it were racially segregated? REPORT: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has overruled his Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Wednesday and called off a proposed plan to segregate Palestinians from Israelis on … Continue reading

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Land Belongs To Those Who Take It

Jack Donovan writes: Land belongs to those who take it and hold it. And this land is no longer your land or my land — officially it’s their land. You may not be able to reclaim it, at least not … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Matthew Weiner Explains “Mad Men” Is About “White Power”

Steve Sailer writes: With Mad Men finally going away, it’s worth noting again how much the engine behind showrunner Matthew Weiner’s fabulous career has been the racial-ethnic anger and resentment he has carefully nurtured throughout what has been, objectively, a … Continue reading

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McFarland USA Greases The Skids For White Displacement

McFarland, California used to be a white town. Like much of America, it is now Mexican (92% Latino according to 2010 census). Why a white American would cheer for his country turning into an extension of Mexico is beyond me. … Continue reading

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