Category Archives: Whites

Colonization and Cultural Genocide — and They Call it ‘Immigration’

Selwyn Duke writes: Have you heard about the millions of Chinese flooding into the Tibet? With their displacement of the native peoples and the supplanting of Tibetan with Chinese culture, anthropologists and human rights activists have labeled the colonization “cultural … Continue reading

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LAT: San Bernardino: Broken City

I’ve seen this story promoted on the for a few days but until now I’ve avoided reading it because I’m assuming that the fall of San Bernadino is largely a matter of changed racial demographics. For instance, there’s nothing … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, California, Latino, Mexico, Whites | Comments Off on LAT: San Bernardino: Broken City

Propagandizing Race Cuckoldry

From Heartiste: Reader chris wonders if IT’S HAPPENING. New TV show for kids on nickelodeon’s promotes race cuckoldry. The official twitter page for it admits to it by implication of their favourites. This shit is really happening. Here’s … Continue reading

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Why Do We Call Black Stars By Their First Names?

Over a year ago, I wrote a blog post entitled, “Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities?” I’m watching KABC TV News this afternoon and this bloke Rob Fukuzaki does the sports capably enough, but he has no charisma. According to … Continue reading

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Korean AA

I was walking by a Korean church the other day and saw signs up for a “Korean AA” meeting. I’m sure nobody objects to that, nor to “White AA” meetings. Or are whites the only group not allowed to identify … Continue reading

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