Category Archives: Whites

Police say white woman shot, killed in Hollywood by a black guy

This story sounds pretty typical of black-white relations. We have a hard-working white woman who does a business deal with a charming black guy who does not pay her, lies, and then kills her. From The Los Angeles Times: Ambition … Continue reading

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America’s Real Race War

From Chateau Heartiste: U.S. agencies still collect crime data by race. That will end soon, because the data is unfriendly to the Equalist Narrative and is falling into the hands of the Rebel Alliance. For now, a rich trove of … Continue reading

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What’s Behind The ‘Cuckservative’ Slur? (NSFW)

Daily Caller: “By supporting immigration reform, criminal justice reform, etc., a white conservative is therefore surrendering his honor and masculinity (and it won’t be long before his women folk are compromised, as well!). A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor. … Continue reading

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WP: Black America has been playing by white America’s rules. If we want reconciliation, it’s time white America shared the burden.

Comments to the WP: Thank God for the Washington Post and their courageous non-stop efforts to give the hateful lily white monolith of pure evil the dressing down that it so rightly deserves. Without their brave efforts it will be … Continue reading

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