Category Archives: Whites

What Made Hurricane Katrina Different?

Walter Isaacson writes: Walker Percy had a theory about hurricanes. “Though science taught that good environments were better than bad environments, it appeared to him that the opposite was the case,” he wrote of Will Barrett, the semi-autobiographical title character … Continue reading

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The Social Construct

CH: “Race is not a social construct. Society is a racial construct.” Social constructs often deny the existence of that which the ruling elite finds threatening. As Albert S. Lindemann wrote in his book Anti-Semitism Before The Holocaust: [Adolf] Stoecker’s … Continue reading

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Left-Wing Jew Tony Tabatznik Leads War On Whites & Israel

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The biggest funder of anti white groups is actually Tony Tabatznik, an English/South African guy who founded and sold for hundreds of millions a generic drug company, then started a second one and sold it … Continue reading

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Wesley Clark Wants To Put Dissidents Into Re-Education Camps

Comments to Jared Taylor: * A prominent Democrat, retired four star General Wesley Clark, thinks the FBI should identify “radicalized” Americans and toss them in re-education camps just like the communists. He said this on national television but no one … Continue reading

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A day in the life of the newest leader of white nationalists

Vegas Tenold writes: He became known in 2012 when he founded the White Student Union, a white pride organization that patrolled the Towson University campus in Maryland to protect students from a perceived wave of black-on-white crime. Since then, he … Continue reading

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