Category Archives: Whites

Can Whites Be Saved?

From Chateau Heartiste: I was listening to the news (big mistake) and I heard her father (confirmed), give a statement to the press that was straight outta the SWPL SJW leftoid equalist playbook — blame guns, don’t mention the 800 … Continue reading

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One Day The Goyim Will Awake

From Chateau Heartiste: “One day, the wronged part of white America will notice the boot on its face. How they’ll respond, is anyone’s guess. Perhaps they’ll have learned to love being ground to dust. Or perhaps they’ll shed their inertia, … Continue reading

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The Dying Of The White Light

Comment to Chateau Heartiste: It’s simply impossible for whites to thrive when there are too many minorities around. If we want to reach the heights of civilization, to visit the moon again, to colonize mars, to automate cars and have … Continue reading

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White Life Is A Parade Of Humiliation

From Chateau Heartiste: Like the tactics of totalitarian communism before it, anti-white ideology thrives in part by its inquisitors visiting upon the victims an endless succession of humiliations. It’s not enough to propagandize with lies; the subject must be coerced … Continue reading

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The Jewish Tradition’s Preference For Light Skin

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: This older way of viewing skin color—personal, relativistic, and gender-oriented—has been studied by David Goldenberg with respect to the Jews of the ancient world. The Jews considered their skin to be light brown. A second-century rabbi … Continue reading

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