Category Archives: Whites

Turning The First World Into The Third World

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I knew a guy from India who considers himself sort of a white nationalist. He said white people are the only people who created a decent country to live in. He said the wrong people … Continue reading

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Cuckservatism explained: What’s right and wrong with this new meme

Gavin McInnes writes: Every time I try to engage someone in a debate or even present a challenging idea, the response is “I can’t even.” Young people are especially unable to deal and will add, “I literally can’t,” “I don’t … Continue reading

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British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

There’s not a word in the following article about Israel. Apparently, it is fine with the Jewish elites of Britain for the Jewish state to act in its self-interest by not taking in Islamic migrants who hate it. Apparently, it … Continue reading

Posted in England, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Jews, Syria, Whites | Comments Off on British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

Rabbi David Wolpe: The U.S. Has a Moral Obligation to Help Syrian Refugees

Rabbi David Wolpe writes: Indifference is a betrayal of America’s founding mission Moral clarity is important because moral decisions are often difficult. The easy choices that pose no risk—one should contribute to charity, help old people across the street, and … Continue reading

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ROK: Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants

Chaim Amalek: “30+ years of mindless obedience to cuckservative economic principles (free trade, Reaganomics, etc.) has left us without leaders or a political organization to defend our interests.” From ROK: The European illegal migrant crisis has “evolved” from epidemic proportions … Continue reading

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