Category Archives: Whites

Conservative Rabbi: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Gil Steinlauf, the senior rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C., told his congregation that they “must teach our children that we are, in fact, not white, but simply Jewish.” It’s a hilarious piece. … Continue reading

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WP: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.

Gil Steinlauf is the senior rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. He writes: Adapted from a Rosh Hashanah sermon delivered at Adas Israel Congregation. This summer, I had a conversation with a young woman about her Jewish identity. … Continue reading

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Las Vegas! Hire Two White Guys To Mow Your Lawn

Yelp Reviews: 2 White Guys 5806 Alfred Dr Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone number (702) 544-2355

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Prison for man who helped place noose on civil rights statue

Good thing we’re getting tough on crime. Pfft. I wouldn’t want this harsh punishment for someone who did the equivalent on a Jewish symbol or any other symbol. Why would whites treat civil rights activist statutes with respect? “Civil rights” … Continue reading

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Alan Colmes Interviews Jared Taylor

Link: Editor’s Note: The audio recording of this interview is available here. Alan Colmes: Hi, I am Alan Colmes. I would like to welcome Jared Taylor, founder and editor of American Renaissance. Mr. Taylor, thank you very much for coming … Continue reading

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