Category Archives: Steve Sailer

Steve Sailer’s Rabbit Died

Comments: * Rabbits are fantastic animals and companions. We had one for nine years; presently we have five-year old doe. She’s a litter-trained house rabbit. She’s incredibly intelligent — rabbits are not nearly as stupid as some people think they … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Does Not Endorse Candidates

Steve Sailer writes: My policy is: I don’t endorse political candidates. If I were to try to set up a 501 c 3 educational charity, the nice people at the SPLC have made clear to me in the past that … Continue reading

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Who Is Steve Sailer?

From Metapedia: Steven Ernest Sailer is an American conservative journalist and movie critic for The American Conservative, a blogger, a Takimag and columnist, and a former correspondent for UPI. He writes for VDARE about race relations, gender issues, politics, … Continue reading

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Who Is The Alt-Right?

In the light of Breitbart’s big essay on the Alt-Right, here is my list of the most important people of the Alt-Right in rough order of importance: * Steve Sailer * Jared Taylor * Kevin MacDonald * Richard Spencer * … Continue reading

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Why Does Steve Sailer Seem So Subdued During His Season Of Triump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’m not the first to note, Steve, that you’ve been strangely subdued throughout the primary process, even though it represents a culmination (of sorts) of all your political writing over the past decade and a … Continue reading

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