Category Archives: Steve Sailer

Should Feelings Determine Our Behavior?

Jan. 2, 2014, Dennis Prager said: “I don’t like any ethnic neighborhood. I don’t think it’s the American ideal.” “I don’t think black neighborhoods are healthy for blacks. I don’t think Mexican neighborhoods are healthy for Mexicans. They’re comfortable.” Feb. … Continue reading

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Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities?

I can name a bunch of black ones — Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Oprah, Michael Irvin, Deon Sanders, etc, but I can’t name any Japanese superstars. The NYT wrote last week: “In Japan, a … Continue reading

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The White Identity Movement And The Jews

About 95% of American Jews are Ashkenazi and about 95% of American Jews identify as white. Jews overwhelmingly prefer whites to other races and they overwhelmingly prefer to live in white neighborhoods. Orthodox Jews are far more likely than white … Continue reading

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Are Jews In America Underdogs?

Are Jews better off for having so many groups like the ADL and the Museum of Tolerance and for dominating Hollywood and the MSM to the point we can deter any criticism of ourselves as a group (and our tendencies … Continue reading

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Immigration, Morality & IQ

Internet poster “Gary M.” wrote in 2008: [Dennis] Prager interviewed Michelle Malkin a number of years ago on his radio show about her book, Invasion. At one point, Malkin became so distressed by what she was hearing from him, that … Continue reading

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