Category Archives: Steve Sailer

For The Discerning Reader

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Publishing this today would risk prosecution under the hate laws. Unless Johnson (who, like Orwell, has never been much of a fan of the Irish) publishes it to shame Darwin. Then it’s legally okay.” It … Continue reading

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Are Jews Responsible For The Changes We Don’t Like?

Steve Sailer writes: “The assumption here that, unlike in Israel, Jewish men in America were highly respectful toward women is not upheld by studying industries they flourished in, such as Hollywood, pornography, or Las Vegas. For example, D.W. Griffith’s WASP … Continue reading

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We Live In The Age Of Identity

Steve Sailer writes: “The last century was one of ideology, while this one is driven by identity. In the relatively homogeneous America of the 20th Century, it was not uncommon for large numbers of voters to change their minds, as … Continue reading

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Who Runs The Internet?

I found this list online of Jews running internet companies. I don’t care that the list comes from an anti-Jewish site, I am only interested in what is true. I don’t think Jews need to hide Jewish successes. Google, Facebook … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Facebook, Google, Islam, Jews, Steve Sailer | Comments Off on Who Runs The Internet?

The End Of Racism

I’m enjoying these Steve Sailer book reviews on Dinesh D’Souza — The End of Racism : Principles for a Multiracial Society 4 out of 5 stars Excellent on the little questions, dubious on the big ones October 11, 1998 … Continue reading

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