Category Archives: IQ

How Serious Is The Iran Threat?

In the Jul-Sept 1990 edition of Ultimate Issues, in the aftermath of Iraq’s conquest of Kuwait, Dennis Prager wrote an essay entitled, “And now…the Arab Threat.” The parallels between Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler are as true as they are … Continue reading

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The Role Of Culture In IQ Differences

Socialist IQ expert James Flynn talks about living in the US next to black, Chinese and Jewish professional families. The black family (doctor and lawyer), after dinner, the kids would want to settle down to homework and the dad would … Continue reading

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Why Do Tongans Struggle With Poverty When They’re So Wonderful And Generous?

That’s the article in the Los Angeles Times. I Googled Tongans and found out that the average IQ is 87, which might explain the poverty. Or it might not. I don’t know how important IQ is for success. Perhaps it … Continue reading

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