Category Archives: IQ

Ted Cruz Believes In The Importance Of IQ

Story: As they were entering their second year in law school, Melissa Hart agreed to give Ted Cruz a ride from New York, where Cruz was at the end of the summer, back to Cambridge. She didn’t know him well, … Continue reading

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Black Vs White Smarts

Comments to Steve Sailer: * …the in-depth research done by Harvard’s admissions department in the 1970s, as summarized in Klitgaard’s “Choosing Elites.” Initially, Harvard figured there were black diamonds in the ghetto rough that they could find. But soon realized … Continue reading

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Are Men Smarter Than Women?

Dr. James Thompson writes: “The paradox about sex differences in brain being greater than for intelligence has, to my imperfect recollection, been attempted to be resolved in three main ways. 1) Men are in fact brighter than women, though girls … Continue reading

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The Low-IQ Crim Look

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I also wouldn’t be too surprised if the genes controlling IQ also had some unrelated effects on facial structure (we read about people having an ‘intelligent face’ in old Victorian books all the time, and … Continue reading

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Jewish Race Realist – ‘I Defied Nazis, Now I Defy Leftists’

From Wikipedia: Hans Jürgen Eysenck (/ˈaɪzɛŋk/; 4 March 1916 – 4 September 1997) was a psychologist born in Germany, who spent his professional career in Great Britain. He is best remembered for his work on intelligence and personality, though he … Continue reading

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