Category Archives: IQ

How Smart Are The Sephardim?

Average IQ estimates for Ashkenazi Jews range from 105 to 120. Average Sephardi IQs are about 97 and Mizrahi Jews average 92. The average white IQ is 100, East Asian IQ is 105, Hispanic-American IQ is 90, and African-American IQ … Continue reading

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The Smart States

The Overton Window is shifting with more mainstream discussion on the importance of IQ. From today’s Washington Post: Iowa is one of the smartest states in America. This is necessarily hard to figure out, of course, given that “stupid” is … Continue reading

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Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own

From Over the last few decades, economists and psychologists have quietly documented the many ways in which a person’s IQ matters. But, research suggests that a nation’s IQ matters so much more. As Garett Jones argues in Hive Mind, … Continue reading

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High IQ Communities

The highest IQ society in history was probably the ancient Greeks around the time of Plato (average of 120 is one guess). Many Ashkenazi communities today would average 120. The average IQ of a Modern Orthodox shul is probably close … Continue reading

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The Pacific

Jennifer Senior writes a New York Times book review on Simon Winchester’s latest — Pacific: But what I learned most unexpectedly, to my depressed amazement, is how much the United States of today has in common with Australia … of … Continue reading

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